Flooded…filled up and overflowing with great things and not so great things. That delicate balance we try for as life sends us on an unexpected turn that brings us back to ‘real’ and what’s important. Yesterday, a day that started […]
Yesterday, I started the day with two of my dearest friends. We call it ‘Cawfee.’ We rarely drink coffee when we get together but we know what it means when we see it in the subject line. ‘Cawfee.’ It’s our […]
Crooked: something bent, not straight, twisted and misaligned. Not truthful, not open or upfront. Does life get this way sometimes when we continue to brush things under the rug and not communicate and then when we do the perceived straight […]
A promise of something to come later, that’s not quite ready, but you’ve earned it. A gift of sorts, packed in waiting. The contents dictate the longing for, the anticipation of, the expectations of what will be fulfilled when presenting […]
Woke up to unfolded laundry on the couch, a semi clean kitchen and week of new assignments for work, plus juggling Driver’s Ed classes, swim team practices, meals, tending the miraculous garden and feeding all the critters. Yet here I […]
Life is fragile. We wake up each day with all our dreams, thoughts and jobs in our back pack, thrown in with a bit of inspiration and head out for the day. Keeping it all positive and open always feels […]
It would be 28 years ago that my Dad left this planet….he was 59 and I was 24. I can’t believe so much time has passed since that night. My brother Rob and I sat up with my Dad. I […]
The truth is in the flower. The blossom and its drive to fully open with the morning light. No one to please. On a mission and knowing exactly what to do-blossom, perfect symmetry, unfolding in the sun. But what is […]
A beautiful late summer morning…I love this time of year….something shifts at the beginning of August and I feel kind of lost but there are signs of things slowly but surely coming into place…things that have been stirring deep and […]
Just in from a morning of listening, dream interpretation, talking, planning and dreaming with the two friends in my life that have helped me through, time and time again. Some people come into our lives in ways we could never […]
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